10 agency sins – marketing campaign
A campaign consisting of illustrations for the regional content agency Content Engine. The photographs illustrate the results of an internet research in which a hundred or so marketing experts discussed the most common challenges they face in working with their clients.
With the aim of creating a space for honest conversation between clients and agencies and fostering greater mutual understanding, in this otherwise important and dynamic industry, the campaign presents and elaborates on the ten most common mistakes agencies make in working with clients on a daily basis, which are arrogance, exaggerated eloquence, transferring responsibility, disdain, unwillingness to accept another point of view, making promises, deceitfulness, irresponsibility, uninventiveness and exaggeration.
Idea: RedPoint for Content Engine
Photo: Anto Magzan
Model: Maja Franković
Creative Direction: Kristina Gami
Design: Ivana Kučko & Paola Peršić
Production: Sandra Krunić & Robert Belošević
Styling: Mirna Vrdoljak
Make-up & Hair: Andreja Dubnjaković